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Engineering and Production Labs
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Sound sculpting and design, is an audio engineering field based on the science of acoustics, it is science, and the foundations of the instruments and sounds we employ in our creations and compositions.
An altered sound can completely alter the composed and notated musics direction from altering it's harmonic content within it's structures, basically if you look at a symphony on an oscilloscope, it is perceived as a distorted sine wave, that upon dissecting it with a fast fourier transform, is the spectral content seen on the spectrograph, as thousands of sine waves, so sound sculpting and design play an integrated role with composition, and must be seen in that regard.
Shaping the harmonic, non-harmonic, distortion, noise, a.d.s.r (attack, decay, sustain, release), delays, frequency modulation, volume modulation, vibrato, impulse responses, early and late reflections, levels of individual aspects, in all these components, is sound sculpting and design.
The field can encompass altering sounds or creating from nothing, for various applications, but the science of how that is done, is similar in nature.
We can create or design sounds for you with this science, we can sculpt sounds to help them compliment the song or composition, and we can help you to understand why these things may help your production.
Let us know what your design needs are, what the intended application for the sound is, and we can help inform you of the possibilities for your production, or project.
Sculpting and Design, may not be your scientific discipline...we can help.
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