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This is a portfolio of academic's and project's
I started out playing guitar at about nine yrs old, that eventually set aside to pursue a career in construction, but always kept it by my side.
I spent three yrs studying guitar and music theory with Bill Brown in Valdosta Georgia, until he ran out of theory to teach me, at which point i continued the study on my own for another two yrs.
I next studied studio technology, acoustic's, sound and interrelated audio engineering subjects on my own for another four yrs.
Got my name one one book about distortion and harmonic's, from a true scientist, that I'm very proud of, for being seen as someone knowledgeable in the field of acoustic's and audio engineering, Distortion-the cause of harmonic's and the lie of thd, link
I am currently at Full Sail University, to further my education in the general area's of music production, audio production and interrelated subjects, for a comprehensive understanding of the music industry, and it's related fields.
During my studies, i have taught music, music theory, composition, acoustic's, sound sculpting and design, recording, editing, mixing, mastering, audio engineering tools usage, performance and various fields related to the industry.
Also during my studies i have done some composing, engineering of some of my own projects, and others projects.
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