Welcome to our
Engineering and Production Labs
Production Tools
Pro Tools
Studio One 3
Final Cut Pro
Places to learn
Doc's Lab
Doc's Music theory
Doc's Engineering
Doc's Theory vids
I'm a person who does not like, to not know, whats going on in a production, so I've covered a lot of ground in my research, and studies.
Ive studied music, music theory, acoustic's, audio engineering, recording, mixing, mastering, sound design, sound sculpting, music production​, producing and the interrelated area's involved in Music production, and also attended Full Sail University.
one highlight in my studies was when i was asked to do a review for a book called "Distortion, the cause of harmonics and the lie of THD" by Dan Bullard, that he asked me to review and help in fine tuning the details before release, Distortion is actually all music is, and to me, it was like having Edward van Halen asking me for advice and direction in his guitar technique - see back panel of book Link.
Also I've been in business for myself for years doing music and construction.
I love music, its always been in the family and my parents were performers in clubs most of my childhood. I started playing guitar at 9 yrs old and always had it in the back of my mind to someday do something in music.
My goals here are to help people create their dreams, which in turn helps me to create my dreams from the interrelation with the individuals in the industry, and the various area's we are working in. this is vague, but i love so many aspects of this field, that this project I'm hoping will open the doors to all these different area's, and allow me to live my dreams in this field.
Sometimes it's about the creation, sometimes it's about business, and sometimes it's a Production of both.
So, whether it's business, an artistic adventure or both...
lets create something elegant, or maybe, lets make some noise !