Welcome to our
Engineering and Production Labs
Production Tools
Pro Tools
Studio One 3
Final Cut Pro
Places to learn
Doc's Lab
Doc's Music theory
Doc's Engineering
Doc's Theory vids
I love study and learning, it's a case of opening new doors that open new paths of discovery that will usually, without doubt enhance you knowledge, your wisdom and give you a better understanding of yourself.
I love my garden and watching it bloom in the spring, and fade in the fall, it's a great place to just be with yourself away from your "other world" and relax.
For me the world is a huge symphony for my mind to enjoy, and my body was so wonderfully designed to enjoy it that i meditate on this daily to remember all the wonderful gifts we have to experience the wonderful things life is, and the wonderful things here for it to experience, we have to remind ourselves of this, from time to time...
Sound, music and composing are wonderful tools to express myself, create experiences and share some of the wonderful things that my mind can create from them...